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Diseased Lungs from Excessive Smoking: Irreparable Damage from too Many Cigarettes? Smoking Fetish Studio


Heavy smoking Goddess Olga smokes up a storm in this fresh compilation. She smokes Marlboro Reds and Winston 100 cigarettes in 6 scenes.

On a regular day Olga smokes 1.5 packs of cigarettes, favouring Marlboro Reds or Golds. On a night out she smokes more than 2 packs. There’s a nice segment where we discuss brands of cigarettes, smoking bans and a couple more smoking related topics.

Olga also masturbates in a few scenes for us as she sucks the smoke deep into her lungs. The inhales are audible and intense; you can hear the smoke whooshing into her body as she sucks it deep into her lungs which must be diseased from years of heavy smoking. Her voice is gravelly and hoarse and she clearly experiences difficulty in breathing from too many cigarettes. She fingers her pussy and arouses herself all the while smoking cigarettes.

I actually agreed to record 5 scenes but Olga wanted to smoke a cigarette off-camera after I finished filming. I asked her if I could film as she devoured yet another cigarette as we spoke about off-topic subjects; she agreed and subsequently I cut the sound from that bonus scene as some of the dialogue was inappropriate.

It’s inconceivable that after so many years of smoking Olga’s lungs are not damaged from smoking cigarettes. This film showcases just how heavy a smoker Olga is!

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