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Odds and Ends Second Hand Smoke


This is old footage that we’d been saving for “specialty” releases,
but we decided it was time to combine it instead of sitting on it
any longer.
Most of the segments feature mostly nose exhales – and great ones.
The video opens with former Penthouse Pet of the Year Martina Warren
when she was just 19 and already a long-time experienced smoker,
showing luscious nostril exhales on every drag.
Martina is followed by Catrina, who mixes thick nose exhales with an
occasional open-mouth inhale, french inhale or set of smoke rings.
Next is Mellissa with two segments, featuring terrific nose exhales and
a few perfect frenches. And then Jenni Lynn demonstrates her prowess
at deep drags and fabulous nostril exhales.
The final segment features Christina and Viktoria, smoking
some of the last-ever Shermans Fantasias 164s, along with lots
of smoking-related dialogue.
If you’re a fan of accomplished smoking, or want one more look
at the late, lamented 164s – you’ll want to check this one out!
One other note: because this was old footage that was
difficult to transfer, the VHS version of this video is of slightly less quality.
It’s still fine, but not the first-generation quality we normally shoot for.
If you have any way to watch DVDs, please order
the DVD instead of the VHS tape.
No sex or nudity.
Ambient sound and some dialogue. 42 minutes.

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