Smoker Týna:
Týna has been smoking for about two years now, she started with friends, she likes to smoke.
She tasted smoking after a few months, does not regret it and does not want to stop.
She usually smokes about 10-15 cigarettes a day, the amount suits her.
It can smoke occasionally, it lasts 2-3 days without a cigarette.
She changes several brands, the main ones are the golden Marlbora, during the event she smoked a clicker Lucky Strike – she likes disrespect.
She likes cigarettes in conjunction with alcohol the most.
She can smoke almost anywhere, but she would not want to smoke at home.
He gives his first cigarette every day after breakfast.
It wasn’t the first time anyone had confessed to her that she was more attractive, sexy, with a cigarette.
Smoking is not crucial for men for her.