Vicemiss Kuřačka 2015 – Tereza
Tereza is 21 years old, she has been a smoker since she was about 14 years old, she started smoking at parties, she liked her first cigarette.
She doesn’t regret having learned to smoke, and she doesn’t want to quit either.
She likes to smoke, even as she says, that she is a heavy smoker who also has a problem smoking less.
She smokes at least 20 cigarettes a day (or the box is the base), this amount suits her.
Without a cigarette, it lasts about an hour, the appetite for the next one from the previous one gets up to half an hour.
He doesn’t have to limit himself to smoking – and he uses it accordingly.
The standard brand of cigarettes for her is Marlboro in a hard design.
He got them thanks to his own experience with several brands, good quality for a reasonable price.
The attraction of a cigarette was not new to her, she also thinks that smoking women are sexy.
She likes men smokers, they do not restrict her from smoking.
In the case of her partner, she doesn’t care about smoking in principle, but later in a video interview she admitted that she really prefers smokers.
She likes the cigarette the most in the morning, she lights it right after getting up (and one cigarette is not enough).