How can models smoke a total of 30 cigarettes in a 27 minute video?
When they’re having “Smoking Races!”
In each scene, two of Noémie’s models sit down, light up,
and race to see who can finish their cigarette the fastest –
then two more take their place for the next race, and so on.
There are 15 pairings in this relatively short but very intense video,
and the smoking is literally non-stop, with each cigarette lasting no more than two minutes,
and some being comsumed in little more than 60 seconds.
Noémie wins the two races she takes part in,
but there are lots of other heavy-duty smokers in the competition.
And we see them utilize every manner of flash smoking possible,
ranging from incredibly deep double and triple drags,
to rapid puffing, to almost-continuous 8-10 second inhales.
There are also lots of thick cones, snaps and nose exhales as well.
To make the competition even more intense, the last 10 minutes were filmed
inside a car, where the smoke was so thick the girls could barely see each other at times.
On occasion, the screen gets a little cloudy due to all the smoke,
but even then, you can see the bright glow of two side-by-side cherries
and huge plumes of smoke being exhaled.
This is the most intense smoking vid you’ll ever see!
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