At the tender age of 18 Kasey decided to sample cigarettes for herself after most of her friends have recently tried smoking and are beginning to become addicted. This film showcases Kasey smoking 4 successive cigarettes over an afternoon in London. She was so enthusiastic about trying smoking that she travelled from the Midlands of England for 2 hours to record the film.
The first scene shows Kasey becoming used to just ‘puffing’ on a cigarette. Initially without any attempt to inhale I allow her to get used to the sensation. I cut the first two minutes which are of little interest so I can feature Kasey inhaling smoke for the first time.
She’s rather successful in her endeavour and while at first cannot grasp the concept of inhaling she soon learns the process and becomes accustomed to breathing delicious smoke into her hungry lungs. The documentary has full on-topic dialogue while I deliver instructions and advice for Kasey as she learns the art of smoking cigarettes.
Interestingly, Kasey reveals two distinct reasons for wanting to try smoking. The first because she agrees that smoking is sexy, and secondly because her friends smoke! Are these two features the catalyst for propelling Kasey into a full-time smoker? I believe they are! When I ask Kasey the question, “do you think it looks sexy when a girl smokes?” she replies definitively “Yeah”. Likewise when I ask her “will you be tempted to smoke more often?” she again conclusively replies “Yeah”.
We discuss the sexiness of smoking and if Kasey thinks she will become a regular smoker. I inquisitively ask her, “do you think you’d ever smoke more regularly?” Her reply is “probably” … although I think it’s more a certainty!
A fantastic film of a girl learning how to smoke cigarettes.