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Volume 11 La Verite


Melody does direct to lung, snap, and French inhales followed by cone, combined, and nose only exhales with some rings thrown in.

Roma does direct to lung and a few standard, snap, and French inhales. Exhales are cones, combined, and nose only exhales.

Chase does standard and occasional snap and French inhales followed by cone, combined, and nose only exhales with occasional rings thrown in.

Kel does standard, French, and a few light snap inhales followed by cone, combined, and a few nose only exhales.

Chelsea does standard, snap, and French inhales that are followed by nose only, conbined, and cone exhales. She also does some rings.

Candace rounds out the set with lots of rings, combined exhales and nose only exhales. She inhales with standard, occasional snaps, and French inhales.

Imani does everything: snaps, French inhales, combined exhales, nose only exhales, rings, recycled French inhales, the full repertoire!!


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